Wall Art

Wall Art

Make your photos come to life. Upload your images to see them come to life on your 20cm x 20cm Photo Tiles

Create Personalised Photo Tiles at Just Personalise. Our photo tiles are 20cm x 20cm lightweight and easily manoeuvrable.

Upload your favourite photo and using our state of the art printers we will print your image onto the Photo Tile without losing any quality from the original photo. Once your photo is uploaded you will be able to edit it and move it around until you are happy with it.

Our tiles should be purchased in a minimum quantity of 4. Individual tiles are £15 each, however 4 tiles will only cost you £40. Each additional tile after that is £8 each. If you purchase 10 or more of our photo tiles they will be £7 each.

All of our products are made to order using durable materials to ensure that your tech accessories are hard-wearing and long lasting. They are also beautifully lightweight, so you won't need to carry any extra weight around with you!

Click on the Photo Tile below to get started!